Is Sleeping on Your Stomach Bad?05:07


Are you a stomach sleeper? Wondering if sleeping on your stomach is good or bad? Then, you’re in the right place!

Most of us fall into our bed without giving a second thought to the positions and postures we settle in. It is such a daily habit that many of us don’t give much importance to the health effects of sleeping positions. Yet, doctors and subject matter experts say that sleeping positions can impact your overall health and well-being. Sleeping in the wrong positions can result in sleep disorders, back and neck pain, sleep apnea and many other issues.

So, is sleeping on your stomach bad? Well, yes, to an extent. This is what sleep researchers and doctors are saying. Sleeping on your stomach is the worst sleeping position to be precise. It may give you a little comfort and help in reducing snoring, but it can have serious side-effects. But don’t worry, we have compiled this article with all the information you need to know about sleeping on your stomach and how to prevent it. So, without wasting any more time, let’s begin!

Why Do I Sleep On My Stomach?

Most people prefer sleeping on their stomachs because their beds or mattresses are uncomfortable and firm. When sleeping on such an uncomfortable surface in the side position, your shoulder and hip get stressed, thus, you turn to your stomach position for ease and comfort.

By far, uncomfortable bedding is the most common reason behind sleeping on your stomach.

Abdominal discomfort can be another good reason why you might be sleeping on your stomach. This mostly happens when you end up overeating just before your bedtime.

What is The Healthiest Sleeping Position?

It’s no surprise that sleep is important to your overall health. But the fact that is actually surprising is that your sleeping position can impact your quality of sleep plus your health. So, what are the best sleeping positions?

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Sleeping on your side is by far the best sleeping position. It’s not only comfortable but also has several advantages. Besides, sleeping on your back is also a good idea. It is much better than sleeping on your stomach. Let’s discuss both of these positions in detail :

1. Sleeping On Your Side

Around 80% of the people prefer sleeping in this position. It is the most comfortable position that doesn’t put any stress on your body parts. For the same reasons, this sleeping posture is recommended by sleep experts and physicians.

When you pair up this lateral position with a good-quality mattress, your spine stays neutral and elongated. This helps in preventing that annoying back, neck and shoulder pain.

  • Reduce Snoring

If you’re struggling with sleep apnea or loud snoring, then it is strongly advised to sleep on your side. This is because when you sleep on your side, your airway doesn’t get restricted and thus, no loud snoring. There are numerous studies that have suggested that side sleeping can offer a more restful sleep by reducing the chances of loud snoring or sleep apnea.

  • Helps in Getting Rid of Back and Neck Problems

Side sleeping is also suggested for people dealing with joint pain, arthritis, back and neck problems, acid reflux, chest congestion etc.

  • Best For Pregnant Women

Side sleeping is the best for pregnant women, especially the ones having their second or third trimester. The reason is, sleeping on the side improves the blood flow which in turn results in enhanced kidney function and reduced swelling in the legs and feet.

Best Way To Sleep On Side

The best way to sleep on the side is by keeping your legs and chest starlight, spine elongated and keeping your body in a natural posture. Apart from the posture, special attention should be paid to your bedding. Always select a slightly firm pillow or cushion with medium height to support your neck and head.

2. Sleeping On Your Back

Back sleeping or the supine position is another most common sleeping position in the world. Sleeping in this position helps your spine to stay more aligned in a natural way. This posture prevents neck, back and shoulder pain to a great extent. When you pair this position with the right mattress and pillow, it also helps in decreasing the problem of acid reflux.

However, the supine position can trigger loud snoring and sleep apnea. The reason behind this issue is, when you sleep on your back, your tongue and other soft tissues get relaxed and then gravity pulls them down to your air passage. So, if you’re struggling with such types of sleeping disorders, then it’s better to consult your doctor before modifying your sleeping positions.

Best Way To Sleep On The Back

If you want to enjoy sleeping on your back without dealing with the lower back pain, modify your bedding and postures. The best idea is to use a slightly firm or ergonomic mattress that keeps your spine rested naturally. Next, use a low-height pillow to support your neck and a medium-height pillow or neck roll to support your knees.

Is Sleeping On Your Stomach Bad?

The short answer is, yes. Sleeping on the stomach can result in a number of health issues. While it is not a very common sleeping position, many people find it to be very comfortable and easy. Most folks sleep in this position to ease down their snoring. But in general, it is not recommended to sleep on your stomach.

When sleeping on your stomach, you mostly raise your head on a pillow. This makes the spine misaligned and also puts strain on your neck and back. Because the middle portion of your body is the heaviest, your spine gets overarched. If you continue to sleep in this position, you might get exposed to some serious nerve and spine-related issues.

In fact, if you’re experiencing numbness and tingling sensation in your spine, your stomach sleeping posture might be the one to blame. Additionally, stomach sleeping also limits your blood circulation which can have negative impacts on your health.

According to the Mayo Clinic, lying on your stomach can result in abdominal discomfort, back & neck pain and poor spine alignment. Be it lying or sleeping on your stomach, you should try to avoid this position as much as you can.

How Do I Stop Sleeping On My Stomach?

If you’re a stomach sleeper, then you should start changing your sleeping position to avoid the serious consequences. As we already discussed, people tend to sleep on their stomachs because either their bed is uncomfortable or they’re dealing with abdominal discomfort. So, if you want to stop sleeping on your stomach, begin with changing your sleeping surface.

Choose a comfortable or ergonomic mattress that offers enough support to your body parts. Memory foam mattresses are great for this purpose as they take shape of your body and offer a natural alignment to your spine.

Also, avoid eating right before your bedtime. Keep at least 2-3 hours gap between your last meal and your bedtime. This will keep your stomach in the right condition and you’ll not face any difficulty while sleeping.

These two ways will help you switch your sleeping position with great ease.

How Can I Prevent Back Pain When Sleeping On My Stomach?

If you find it hard to change your sleeping position, try to make it better. Keep your neck straight and avoid using a high pillow. You can even skip using a pillow while sleeping on your stomach. In this way, your spine will stay more neutral and you’ll be able to breathe freely.

Further, you can also try keeping a thin pillow under your pelvis to elevate it a bit. This will also reduce pressure on your back.

Does Sleeping on Your Stomach Flatten Your Beasts?

That’s true!! Sleeping on your stomach or your back can mess with your breast aesthetics over time. When you sleep on your stomach, your breasts get compressed and the blood flow gets restricted. Thus, your breasts may get flat over time.

The best way to prevent it is to modify your sleeping position and sleeping surface as well. If you’re a stomach sleeper, make sure your mattress is slightly firm and comfortable. If it’s not, use a thin, soft cushion to support your breast.

Best Pillow For Stomach Sleepers

Generally, stomach sleepers don’t need a very high pillow. The best way is to sleep without having a pillow. This is because the high pillow causes the spine to get misaligned. But if you can’t do without a pillow, then choose a soft, thin, and low-height pillow preferably one with a memory foam or polyfoam material.

Best Bed For Stomach Sleepers

Do stomach sleepers need a firm mattress? Yes, slightly firmer than the regular mattresses. If you’re a stomach sleeper, then make sure that your bed is slightly firm and comfortable otherwise your breasts, pelvis and other delicate organs can get affected. The best bed of stomach sleepers is the one that is ergonomic and still offers enough support to your body. If your mattress is too firm or too soft, you need to replace it asap.

Additional Ways to Sleep Better

  • Make sure to have a comfortable mattress that is neither too firm, nor too soft. Opt for ergonomic mattresses if you’re dealing with neck, back and joint pain.
  • Always use a soft and thin pillow or avoid using a pillow at all.
  • If you’re a stomach sleeper, have a slightly firm mattress.
  • Make sure that your bed sheets are made from breathable material. Also, keep them clean and hygienic.
  • Avoid sleeping immediately after having your meals. Have at least 2 hours of gap between your meals and bedtime.
  • Perform stretching before sleeping and after waking up. It will warm up your body and prevent body pain.

How do Sleep Trackers Work? Are They Accurate?

Measurement is The Key to Success – Monitor Your Sleep

Here is a bonus tip to have a restful and sound sleep. A good sleep tracker can do wonders by helping you monitor your sleep. This small device can help you understand your sleeping routine and behavior. You can use it to analyze your sleep and also share the stats with your doctor if needed. So, find one of the best sleep trackers and start tracking your sleep now!


Stomach sleeping isn’t the right way to sleep. It can result in a number of health issues like back and neck pain, flat breasts, and more. And when you sleep on the wrong mattress in this position, these problems get worse. We have discussed everything you need to change and modify your sleeping positions. Follow the above-mentioned tips and sleep better!

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